A New Year begins...

The year began a week ago, but this is the first full week in the office, with the regular patterns that do not include holidays, year-end deadlines, etc. I am now getting a chance to catch my breath a bit as we begin this New Year. The Christmas decorations are down in the parsonage, and they are slowly being taken down at the church, so by next Sunday, we will back to a normal look in the sanctuary. There is something special about turning that calendar page and marking a New Year in our lives. There is something of a fresh start ahead. The mistakes we made in 2018 are behind us now. (Now we have a whole new year for mistakes and missed opportunities, right?) Many of us have made resolutions for 2019 for things like better health, stopping bad habits, finding that new job, doing something special for friends and family. Anybody make any resolutions? (Anybody already give up on those resolutions?) Here are some suggestions for those who have made...