Back to School
I don't know about you, but I have always liked this time of year. I look back, and I have started afresh in late August or September a new chapter of my life (or in my child's life) for most of my 57 years. I started Kindergarten when I was 4 years old (turning 5 in November), and thirteen years in a row, I started a new grade. Then it was college, four years beginning in late August. I had jobs for most of that time, but the school year determined my rhythm. I followed college with seminary, and was enrolled in some kind of class for eight semesters straight. I also worked, studied in Washington, DC and even ran a camp while a student. The school year was what gave my life structure. After seminary, I went to graduate school, and not only was a student, but taught and did research while on the school calendar. Even when I started working full-time in local churches, I was still officially enrolled until I was 35, and had finished that last degree. C...